Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Eastchester Heights Goes Green


(Mayor Bloomberg hosted an
event to congratulate Taconic Investment Partners and Clarion Partners on
conversion to natural gas at Eastchester Heights.- Photo by Jill Lotenberg)

Mayor Michael Bloomberg recently hosted an event to congratulate Taconic
Investment Partners and Clarion Partners on their conversion from #6 heating
oil to natural gas at Eastchester Heights, a 1400-unit rent-stabilized development
that was one of the city’s top 10 users of heavy oil.

The conversion will reduce
carbon emissions at the property by nearly 60 percent while lowering energy
costs by at least 25 percent. The changeover also enables Eastchester Heights
to opt out of its Title V air permit and makes it eligible for emission
reduction credits.

At the event, Mayor Bloomberg
also announced more than $100 million in financing and other new resources to
help city buildings convert to cleaner fuels. The financing and assistance
results from innovative partnerships between leading banks, energy providers
and environmental groups, and are a part of the NYC Clean Heat program the
Mayor launched in 2011 to help buildings meet cleaner fuel requirements.

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