Thursday, July 25, 2013

Saying “So Long” to A Good Man



Father Richard F. Gorman
Community Board #12 (The Bronx)

BRONX, NEW YORK, JULY 25- Summertime is supposedly reserved for sun, fun, friends, catching up on things one wants or has not been able to do, and taking a break from the usual routine of life. Regrettably, this Summer became a time of real sadness for those of us at Community Board #12 (The Bronx) as we learned of the news that our longtime Colleague and good Friend, Mr. Larry Clark, returned to the Lord on Sunday, the Fourteenth of July. Mr. Clark, a long-serving and dedicated member of Community Board #12 (The Bronx) was also for many years the Chairman of its Standing Committee on Economic Development and Business Services.

Larry Clark was the sort of individual that every group or organization of whatever type longs to have among its members. Larry was a “doer,” and not merely a “talker.” As a matter of fact, he was a man of fairly few words but many powerful deeds. He was not one limited just to speaking about a need or an undertaking. True, he was open to consequential conversation and to intelligent dialogue. However, his bottom line was to get matters up and running without delay, minus hesitation, and with an absolute minimum of wasted time and talk. I noticed this attribute of Larry’s from the very first time that he attended a Stated Monthly Meeting of Community Board #12, which he did prior to applying for membership on the Community Board, and, much to our good fortune, receiving it. It was a quality that was welcomed at our meetings and deliberations in the Carriage House at TOWN HALL. It was moreover one of the primary reasons why I reached out to him and requested that he assume the mantle of Community Board #12’s Chairman of Economic Development and Business Services.

When Larry Clark took over in the aforesaid capacity, there were several pressing issues waiting to grapple with him. Entertainment enterprises were sprouting up near residential areas and along our commercial strips in increasing numbers. In a few instances, such businesses were even opening their doors on residential blocks. Noise and nuisances of all sorts oftentimes accompanied the establishment of these ventures. Some of them lacked legitimacy and licenses. Some did not operate according to the rules. Some became the setting and backdrop of crime. Such circumstances were daunting as was the urgent need to act expeditiously in the interests of our local quality of life. Others would have shrunk in the face of such an overwhelming challenge. Larry Clark embraced it and sought to find a solution by which both proprietors and neighborhood residents could survive and thrive. He immediately undertook to visit one-by-one and in person every bar, social club, and entertainment entity in Bronx Community District #12. He introduced himself to each of the owners and/or operators. He shared the concerns of Community Board #12 (The Bronx) and those of nearby neighborhood residents. He steeped himself in the knowledge of the pertinent rules, regulations, codes, and laws and, in turn, educated those unaware and ignorant of them. He encouraged those who ignored them along with the justifiable complaints of their neighbors. Mr. Clark became a proactive and positive participant in the licensing application process of the New York State Liquor Authority (N.Y.S.L.A.). He spent innumerable hours in attendance at Authority hearings and in meetings with both business owners/operators and concerned citizens. He did not retreat from saying what needed to be said or in doing what needed to be done. Nor was he stingy in giving of his time and talents. Larry was generous to a fault in trying to be of genuine help.

One of Mr. Clark’s most cherished dreams and fervent desires was to see merchant associations flourish along each of our area’s three commercial strips. Larry really rolled up his sleeves on this project. He went out to meet with merchants during the day. He was equally as generous in holding meetings at night. Circumstances were not kind to Mr. Clark’s endeavor in this regard, but Larry never lost the vision or the hope that one day his dream would come true.

One would think that Mr. Clark’s extensive philanthropy and commitment to our neighborhood would leave him with little or no opportunity to do anything else. However, Larry Clark was a devoted Husband and proud Father. He was a tried-and-true partner to his lovely Wife of so many years, Dorothy. There was never a time that one sat down and chewed the fat with Larry that he did not brag at length about the life and the accomplishments of his two children. A devout Christian gentleman, Mr Clark not only faithfully worshipped at his Church but served extensively in various capacities on its governing boards.

Recent years were not so considerate to Larry Clark or benign. The loss of his much-loved and adored Dorothy was a real blow to him. Ensuing health setbacks and issues likewise burdened this wonderful human being. Even with these formidable trials, Larry never raised the white flag or gave into despair. He did what he could and did the best that he was able. I still recall our District Manager, Carmen L. Rosa, sternly upbraiding him one Thursday evening for walking -- YES, WALKING! -- all the way from his home to TOWN HALL in order to be present for a meeting!

Husband, Parent, Christian, Friend, Civic Leader, Good Neighbor -- all of the aforementioned describe who Larry Clark was and the ways in which and for which we knew him. However, I suggest that to sum up simply and perfectly why Mr. Clark was truly loved and deeply appreciated, one need only say that he was a good and decent man. Larry Clark was buried on the morning of Wednesday, 24 July 2013. May his good deeds go before him. While his mortal remains are to be committed to the earth, the good that he did and the love that he engendered will neither be buried nor forgotten. The world needs good guys. Thank God that He sent Larry Clark to us to be one of them!

Until next time, that is it for this time!

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